Tate Britain lighting studies
- At June 04, 2017
- By Adam
- In Sketchbook, Travel
I’m gradually working through my old sketchbooks, photographing a few of the pages and putting them together into some form of collection. Whilst the process goes on, I’ll post the interesting ones on the blog. Just for the CRAIC (Irish people very unhappy with my usage of that phrase right now). And to show search engines I’m better than Adams Oliver syndrome (no seriously it’s a real thing, check it out).
Here are a few studies from Tate Britain down London way. I sketched them in pen and shaded a little with grey, then when I got back home I added a bit more light and dark. The main aim of these was to work on capturing light, and keep the drawings quick so I didn’t get lost in detail. I love a quick sketch, probably because if it’s rubbish I’m not too disappointed! These were all around 5 minutes each.
Watch me on The Gadget Show!
- At June 01, 2017
- By Adam
- In Updates
Well, I’m sure you’re all still reeling from the fame I have acquired after my Gadget Show appearance. Limousines, sponsorship deals and hoards of fans are all fleeting experiences that are sadly no longer part of my daily life. But if you somehow cast adrift at sea this past month, here’s where you can relive the glory days: https://www.my5.tv/the-gadget-show/season-25/episode-8
It’s available until 2020, so you’ve got plenty of time 🙂 Here are a few screengrabs from the segment. I’d just like to say a huge thank you to North One TV and the whole Gadget Show crew for a fun day, I really enjoyed myself. Cheers!
Ye Old Nelson
- At May 21, 2017
- By Adam
- In Sketchbook
Manchester is one of those cities where the old battles with the new. There’s a constant feeling of nostalgia jostling against the need for modernity. A short stroll around the city might reveal a glistening development thrusting towards the clouds, right next to 150 years of forgotten history.
I like many people would love to see these older structures converted into something usable. Enriching the city whilst moving it forward. As locals lament about the town planning, you can’t help but wonder what other complications and red tape surround the seemingly obvious and more beautiful answer to the problem.
A year ago I was walking towards Manchester from Salford (it’s neighbour and just over the river Irwell) when I came upon this derelict pub, Ye Old Nelson. It had all the charm of an industrial ruin, with exposed beams jutting out the brickwork and greenery sprouting through the damaged roof. I had a bit of time so got the old sketchbook out and drew what I thought was just another dilapidated building. Then a few months later, my friend sent me a message asking if I’d drawn the Nelson, as it had just been demolished! What a shame, although it must’ve been badly damaged. But still, it’s sad to see a building with so many stories erased from the city forever.
Manchester is moving so fast, but I hope it doesn’t get too greedy and erase its soul in the process.
A day filming with The Gadget Show
- At May 11, 2017
- By Adam
- In Travel, Updates
Several weeks ago I went down to Birmingham to try out the brand spanking new Dell Canvas, a sort of Wacom Cintiq if you will. But it’s all smooth and shiny and brand new, so it was great fun to just play with! Here are the guys tweeting about it ahead of tomorrow’s showing:

Obligatory cheesy photo
If you fancy a laugh, watch me pretend to be a presenter tomorrow (Friday 12th May) at 7pm on Channel 5. Or if you miss it and you’re a SUPER FAN, go catch up on Channel 5’s website.
For anyone who finds my little space on the web after the show, say hi via the contact page and let me know what you thought! Cheers!
Misty eyed for the Liffey
- At November 07, 2016
- By Adam
- In Sketchbook
Here’s an old sketchbook entry from when I lived in Dublin. I realise I was probably at my most creative there! Drawing all the time…must be all that Guinness I put away 🙂 It was a great time though, and I do miss those funny looking buses.
Life drawing archive
- At April 06, 2016
- By Adam
- In Sketchbook
As I’m gradually sorting through the sketchbooks and bits for the new site here, I’m discovering an interesting by product: the ups and downs of the past decade of my life drawing.
You have those days when you attend a class and you feel it’s been a good’n, but when all those classes are condensed into one digital folder of snaps, you can see the gradual improvement over time. It’s pretty motivating stuff!
So here’s a few ones I’ve found that show variations in style and direction.
Charity Pet Portraits
- At February 11, 2016
- By Adam
- In illustration, Updates
I was going through a few old sketchbooks last night and there’s some interesting stuff worth posting or revisiting. You forget how many ideas you churn out in a decade or so of doodling.
For now though, I’ll post this from 2014 when I drew pet portraits for charity. All ink and watercolour. Surprisingly how many people sent me photos saying ‘if you can draw the one where he’s happy and smiling’ when the picture was of just a dark hairy blob! It’s funny looking in on someone’s life and how they turn their pet into family member (my Mum refers to her dog as my brother sometimes…)

My mum’s fluff ball, Harry is top left. Other favourite requests include classic dog poses and activities with the owner (top right!)
Stretford sunset
- At January 10, 2016
- By Adam
- In Sketchbook
10 minute breaks in ‘work work’ mean I can draw what I see out of the window. It’s all new and from the second floor, quite a nice view for the sunsets!
Storyboards – how cute can you go
- At January 06, 2016
- By Adam
- In Updates
I’m working on some development for children’s TV right now but found these storyboards whilst looking through old files. It was a project with a very classical mid-century Western animation feel to both the characters and approach to action. Think Disney, Bluth and everything in between! All set in a beautiful winter wonderland, so it’s in keeping with the weather right now!
It was quite challenging to draw in this style yet not just copy what is already out there. It’s not my preferred choice either, but you often get called on to emulate other styles in animating, storyboarding and illustrating. Some people are amazing at this! I can get away with it for storyboarding, but I am by no means an illustrator who copies styles day in, day out. I much prefer to work in animation and my own style of illustration.
You can see some of the variety of work I’ve produced over in my sketchbook section here, to get a flavour of those said styles!

Classically styled music video boards with overly curious animals
Happy new year! Hangover anyone?
- At January 03, 2016
- By Adam
- In Sketchbook
Trying out a new toy…’Pencil’ by 53, the makers of a sketchbook-like app for the iPad whilst suffering from a hangover. The app they made (called ‘Paper’) is good for loose scribbles but has no layers or brush size adjustment, so it’s a little old school for some people’s tastes. The Pencil works well with ProCreate too, a brilliant illustration app. They’re cheap enough to buy both if you’re lucky enough to own an iPad.
Here’s what a hangover looks like: