- Zoo sketches
- Drawings from the park
- U.S travel sketches
- Museum doodles
- South Melbourne
- St Kilda boardwalk
- New Orleans
- More U.S stories
- Background artwork
- Layout artwork
- Concept development
- Layout to background
- Storyboard samples
- Story development
- Storyboard samples
- Storyboard samples
- Storyboard samples
- Story development
- General sketches
- More sketches
- Sketchbooking
- Nipton, California
- Melbourne sunrise
- Life drawing
- Life drawing
- Life drawing
- Life drawing
- Snow scenes
- Quick sketches
- Everything is for sale
- Gesture sketches
- Irish landscape
- A Dublin bridge
- Colour work
- Character experiments
- Southampton sketches
- Story development
- Las Vegas backyard
- Teddies
- Coloured pencil bat
- Tasmanian hostel
- Cacti varieties and an old boat near the beach
- Spanish island house with a cacti garden (and a weird scorpion tail one!)
- Australian river views
- Plants and stuff
- French island lizard
- A sketchbook page from Luke’s dining table, looking out over the rooftop gardens.
- The cafes around this little area are buzzing nowadays! The whole of the U.K is constantly hopped up on coffee 🙂
- Old building in Salford, knocked down to make way for new flats about a year after I sketched this 🙁